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sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010

Implement a class Time that keeps track of time by keeping the hour, minutes and seconds Note: The object will keep the time in military format, in a 24 hour clock.

CS 120 Assignment #7

Project Specifications

1.      Implement a class Time that keeps track of time by keeping the hour, minutes and seconds Note: The object will keep the time in military format, in a 24 hour clock. 
2.      Remember to validate all values!
3.      Provide the following methods:
·        At least 2 constructors.
·        Provide accessor and mutators for all instance variables.
·        The toString() method will provide the time in military format.
·        Implement a method to provide the time in standard format using AM/PM.
·        Format the display to show two digits for minutes and seconds.
·        Provide a method timeOfDay() that returns the string “dawn”, “morning”, “afternoon”, “evening” or “night” depending on the time of the day.
·        Provide a method isMorning() that returns true if it is morning.
4.      Provide a test program that prompts the user for time values, creates an object and uses all methods.
5.      Provide documentation comments and your name in a comment.

Due Date

Submit all zipped files through no later than November 29 by 11:59 pm.
Item A7

>> View/Complete Assignment: A7
Item Solution
import java.text.DecimalFormat;  // used for number formatting
// This class maintains the time in 24-hour format
public class Time  {
   private int hour;     
   private int minute;   
   private int second;   
   public Time() { 
     setTime( 0, 0, 0 ); 
   public Time( int h, int m, int s ) { 
     setTime( h, m, s ); 
   public void setTime( int h, int m, int s ) {
       setHour( h );    
       setMinute( m );  
       setSecond( s );  
   public void setHour( int h ) { 
     hour = ( ( h >= 0 && h < 24 ) ? h : 0 ); 
   public void setMinute( int m ) { 
     minute = ( ( m >= 0 && m < 60 ) ? m : 0 );
   public void setSecond( int s ) { 
     second = ( ( s >= 0 && s < 60 ) ? s : 0 ); 
   public String toMilitary()
      DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat( "00" );
      return twoDigits.format( hour ) + ":" +
             twoDigits.format( minute ) + ":" +
             twoDigits.format( second );
   // Convert to String in standard-time format
   public String toString()
      DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat( "00" );
      String str = "";
      str = ( hour == 12 || hour == 0 ) ? "12" : "" + (hour % 12);
      str = str + ":" + twoDigits.format( minute ) + ":" +
             twoDigits.format( second );
      str = str +  ( hour < 12 ? " AM" : " PM" );
      return str;
   public String timeOfDay(){
     String str="";
     switch  ( hour ){
      case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: 
       str = "dawn";
      case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11:
       str = "morning";
      case 12:
       str = "noon";
      case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17:
       str = "afternoon";
      case 18: case 19:
       str = "evening";
       str = "night";
     return str;
   public boolean isMorning(){
     return hour > 6 && hour < 12;
   public boolean isMidday(){
     return hour == 12;
   public boolean isEvening(){
     return hour > 18 && hour < 20;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class TimeTest {
   public static void main( String [] args )
      Time t;
      String hour = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter hour ");
      String minute = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter minutes ");
      String second = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter seconds ");
      t = new Time(Integer.parseInt(hour), Integer.parseInt(minute), Integer.parseInt(second) );
     System.out.println( "Military time: " + t.toMilitary() );
     System.out.println( "Standard time: " + t.toString() );
     System.out.println( "Time of Day: " + t.timeOfDay() );


Implement a class RoachPopulation that simulates the growth of a population of roaches. Provide an application to run the simulation.

CS 120 Assignment # 6


Implement a class RoachPopulation that simulates the growth of a population of roaches.  Provide an application to run the simulation.

Project Specifications

1.                  The class RoachPopulation keeps track of the size of the population of roaches.
2.                  The constructor takes the size of the initial roach population.
3.                  Overload the constructor to allow for a default initial value.
4.                  Provide a method breed to simulate a period where the population doubles. 
5.                  Provide a method spray to simulate spraying with insecticide.  When we call this method, the population will automatically be reduced by 10%.
6.                  Provide a method getRoaches() that returns the current value for the population of roaches.
7.                  Provide a program called RoachSimulation to simulate a kitchen that starts out with some roaches.
8.                  Breed, spray and then print the roach count.  Repeat several times.
9.                  Please use comments to display your name, date and assignment number.
10.       Provide documentation comments for your class RoachPopulation.  Make sure JavaDoc produces a usable documentation file.

Final Touches

Submit both java files ZIPPED through blackboard no later than November 18 by 11:59 pm. 
Item A6

>> View/Complete Assignment: A6
Item Solution
public class RoachPopulation
      Constructs the population.
      @param initialPopulation the initial population
   public RoachPopulation(int initialPopulation)
      roaches = initialPopulation;
      Waits for the population to double.
   public void breed()
      roaches = 2 * roaches;
      Simulates applying of insecticide.
   public void spray()
      roaches = roaches * 9 / 10;     
      Gets the current number of roaches.
      @return the roach count
   public int getRoaches()
      return roaches;
   private int roaches;
   This program tests the RoachPopulation class.
public class ExP2_16

   public static void main(String[] args)
      RoachPopulation kitchen = new RoachPopulation(10);
      System.out.println(kitchen.getRoaches() + " roaches");
      System.out.println(kitchen.getRoaches() + " roaches");
      System.out.println(kitchen.getRoaches() + " roaches");
      System.out.println(kitchen.getRoaches() + " roaches");


Write an Application that will help an elementary school student learn multiplication.

Assignment5 - Loops
index.html (1.257 Kb)

Assignment #5


Computers are playing an increasing role in education.  Write an Application that will help an elementary school student learn multiplication.

Project Specifications

1.      Download the Multiplier class and its Help file (index.html) provided in Blackboard – Assignments – Assignment5 and save them in a new folder.
2.      Review the help to check for data, constructors, and all the methods available for this class.
3.      Provide an application called GameTester in the same folder where you placed the Multiplier class.
4.      Use comments to show your name, the date and the assignment number.
5.      Use the class Multiplier to generate a multiplication question and display it to the user.
6.      Prompt the user for the answer and check it. Display a message accordingly. 
7.      If the answer is correct congratulate the user and proceed to ask the user whether they want to play again.
8.      If the answer is incorrect display an encouraging message and let the user try again.
9.      Allow the user to try to get the correct answer 3 times.  After that display the correct answer and ask whether they want to play again.
10. Do NOT modify the Multiplier class.
11. Please make sure your program is indented correctly.

Due Date: 

Submit your *.java file through Blackboard no later than Nov 9 by 11:59 pm.

Item A5

>> View/Complete Assignment: A5
Item Solution
import java.util.*;
public class GameTester
  public static void main(String args[])
    Multiplier game = new Multiplier();
    String again = "y";
    int answer = 0;
    int counter;
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    while ( again.equalsIgnoreCase( "y" ) )
      System.out.println( game.nextQuestion() );
      answer = scan.nextInt();
      if ( game.isAnswer( answer ) )
        System.out.println ("Correct!!!");
        counter = 1;
        while ( !game.isAnswer( answer ) && counter <= 2 )
          System.out.println ("Sorry, the answer is incorrect.  Try again.");
          System.out.println( game.getQuestion() );
          answer = scan.nextInt();
        if (!game.isAnswer( answer ))
           System.out.println ("Sorry, the answer is incorrect.  The answer is " + game.getAnswer() );
          System.out.println ("Correct!!!");
      System.out.println("Would you like to play again?");
      again =;

import java.util.*;
 A Multiplier object will generate a multiplication question. 
public class Multiplier
  private int operand_1;
  private int operand_2;
  private int answer;
  private String question;
  private Random generator;
   Constructs a Multiplier question with 2 operands and an answer. 
  public Multiplier()
    generator = new Random();
    operand_1 = getNumber();
    operand_2 = getNumber();
    answer = operand_1 * operand_2;
    question = "How much is " + operand_1 + " times " + operand_2 + " ?";
   Returns the answer to the generated question. 
   @return the answer 
  public int getAnswer()
    return answer;
   Returns the operand_1. 
   @return operand_1
  public int getOperand_1()
    return operand_1;
   Returns the operand_2. 
   @return operand_2
  public int getOperand_2()
    return operand_2;
   Compare the guess to the question answer. 
   @param guess the users guess to the problem
   @return true if guess is correct false otherwise
  public boolean isAnswer( int guess )
    if ( guess == answer ) 
      return true;
      return false;
   Constructs and returns a new multiplication question. 
   @return question
  public String nextQuestion()
    operand_1 = getNumber();
    operand_2 = getNumber();
    answer = operand_1 * operand_2;;
    question = "How much is " + operand_1 + " times " + operand_2 + " ?";
    return question;
   Returns the current multiplication question. 
   @return question
  public String getQuestion()
    return question;
   Returns random number . 
   @return operand
  public int getNumber()
    return generator.nextInt(11);
   Returns the multiplication question. 
   @return question
  public String toString()
    return question;

Class Multiplier

java.lang.Object extended by Multiplier

public class Multiplier
extends Object
A Multiplier object will generate a multiplication question.
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a Multiplier question with 2 operands and an answer.
Method Summary
 int getAnswer()
          Returns the answer to the generated question.
 int getNumber()
          Returns random number .
 int getOperand_1()
          Returns the operand_1.
 int getOperand_2()
          Returns the operand_2.
 String getQuestion()
          Returns the current multiplication question.
 boolean isAnswer(int guess)
          Compare the guess to the question answer.
 String nextQuestion()
          Constructs and returns a new multiplication question.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail


public Multiplier()
Constructs a Multiplier question with 2 operands and an answer.
Method Detail


public int getAnswer()
Returns the answer to the generated question.
the answer


public int getOperand_1()
Returns the operand_1.


public int getOperand_2()
Returns the operand_2.


public boolean isAnswer(int guess)
Compare the guess to the question answer.
guess - the users guess to the problem
true if guess is correct false otherwise


public String nextQuestion()
Constructs and returns a new multiplication question.


public String getQuestion()
Returns the current multiplication question.


public int getNumber()
Returns random number .



Using Classes and Objects

Using Classes and Objects (1.499 Kb)
index.html (1.243 Kb)

Assignment #4


In this assignment you will create a test program that uses the class Car provided to you.  Your test program will create Car objects and manipulate them. 

Project Specifications

1.      Download the Car class provided above and save it in a new folder.
2.      Start DrJava and open the class Car. 
3.      Click on the right-most button Javadoc and click ok when the Select Javadoc Destination window appears.  This utility will create the help documentation for Car class and save it in your folder.
4.      Review the help to check for data, constructors, and all the methods available for this class.
5.      Provide an application called CarTester in the same folder where you placed the Car class.
6.      Use comments to show your name, the date and the assignment number.
7.      Create at least two different car objects by using each constructor once.
8.      Print each object after it is created to display its state.
9.      Use each method provided by the class at least once per object. 
10. Make sure you print the object each time you change the state.
11. Manipulate the cars so that in the end they all have travelled a distance of 1000 miles.  
12. Display which car uses the least amount of gas (is more efficient).
13. Do NOT modify the Car class.

Due Date: 

Submit your *.java file through Blackboard no later than Oct 26 by 11:59 pm.

Item A4

>> View/Complete Assignment: A4
Item Solution
   This program tests the Car class.
public class CarTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      Car c1 = new Car(50, 0);
      Car c2 = new Car();
      System.out.println("Car 1 has " + c1.getMileage() + " miles and " + c1.getGas() + " gallons of gas." );
      c1.pumpGas( 100 );
      System.out.println("Car 1 has " + c1.getMileage() + " miles and " + c1.getGas() + " gallons of gas." );;
      System.out.println("Car 1 has " + c1.getMileage() + " miles and " + c1.getGas() + " gallons of gas." );;
      System.out.println("Car 1 has " + c1.getMileage() + " miles and " + c1.getGas() + " gallons of gas." );
      System.out.println("\nCar 2 has " + c2.getMileage() + " miles and " + c2.getGas() + " gallons of gas." );
      c2.pumpGas( 100 );
      System.out.println("Car 2 has " + c2.getMileage() + " miles and " + c2.getGas() + " gallons of gas." );;
      System.out.println("Car 2 has " + c2.getMileage() + " miles and " + c2.getGas() + " gallons of gas." );;;
      System.out.println("Car 2 has " + c2.getMileage() + " miles and " + c2.getGas() + " gallons of gas." ); 
      System.out.println("Both cars have travelled 1000 miles.  The most efficienct car has " + Math.max(c1.getGas(), c2.getGas()) + " gas.");
      if ( c1.getGas() > c2.getGas() )
      System.out.println("The most efficient car is Car 1");
      else if  ( c1.getGas() < c2.getGas() )
       System.out.println("The most efficient car is Car 2");    
       System.out.println("They both have same efficiency");    
} (class)
 A car can drive and consume fuel based on its efficiency. 
public class Car {
  private int mileage;
  private int gas;
  private double efficiency;
   Constructs a car with a given fuel efficiency. 
  public Car()
    efficiency = 15;
    mileage = 0;
    gas = 0;
   Constructs a car with a given fuel efficiency and some gas. 
   @param anEfficiency the fuel efficiency of the car 
   @param igas initial amount of gas in the car 
  public Car(double anEfficiency, int igas) 
    efficiency = anEfficiency;
    mileage = 0;
    gas = igas;
  /** Adds a certain amount of gas to the tank. 
    @param amount the amount of fuel to add 
  public void pumpGas( int amount) { 
    gas += amount; 
   Returns the amount of gas left in the tank. 
   @return the amount of gas 
  public int getGas(){ 
    return gas; 
   Returns the amount of miles the car has driven. 
   @return the mileage 
  public int getMileage(){
    return mileage;
   Drives a certain distance and consumes gas. 
   @param distance the distance driven 
  public void drive( int distance ){
    mileage += distance;
    gas -= distance/efficiency;
   Returns the state of the object. 
   @return the state of the object as a string 
  public String toString(){ 
    return " Car: [ efficiency = " + efficiency + " gas = " + gas + " mileage = " + mileage; 

Class Car

java.lang.Object extended by Car

public class Car
extends Object
A car can drive and consume fuel based on its efficiency.

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a car with a given fuel efficiency.
Car(double anEfficiency, int igas)
          Constructs a car with a given fuel efficiency and some gas.
Method Summary
 void drive(int distance)
          Drives a certain distance and consumes gas.
 int getGas()
          Returns the amount of gas left in the tank.
 int getMileage()
          Returns the amount of miles the car has driven.
 void pumpGas(int amount)
          Adds a certain amount of gas to the tank.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Constructor Detail


public Car()
Constructs a car with a given fuel efficiency.


public Car(double anEfficiency, int igas)
Constructs a car with a given fuel efficiency and some gas.
anEfficiency - the fuel efficiency of the car
igas - initial amount of gas in the car
Method Detail


public void pumpGas(int amount)
Adds a certain amount of gas to the tank.
amount - the amount of fuel to add


public int getGas()
Returns the amount of gas left in the tank.
the amount of gas


public int getMileage()
Returns the amount of miles the car has driven.
the mileage


public void drive(int distance)
Drives a certain distance and consumes gas.
distance - the distance driven


In this assignment you will write an application that generates computer usernames and email addresses for our college


In this assignment you will write an application that generates computer usernames and email addresses for our college .  

Project Specifications

1.      Provide a test program called Assignment3.
2.      Use comments to show your name, the date and the assignment number.
3.      Request a user’s first name and last name and create a username using the following rules:
a.      The username should be all lower case.
b.      Use the first letter of the first name followed by an underscore (_) and
c.      The first 5 letters of the last name (the user’s last name must be at least 5 letters).
d.      Followed by a randomly generated 3-digit number.
4.      Create an email address by combining the username and the school’s domain name. 
5.      Display a nice message for the user with their original name, the new username and the new email address.

Due Date: 

Submit your *.java file through Blackboard no later than October 14 by 11:59 pm.


1.      In blackboard click on AssignmentsAssignment3 – at the bottom of the document click on View/Complete Assignment: A3 to upload your file.
2.      Use the BROWSE button to find the file.   Select it and click on the Submit button.
Start early and if you have trouble with this assignment PLEASE come to see me!
Item A3

>> View/Complete Assignment: A3
Item Solution
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Username2
  //  Produces a username based on the user's first and last names.
  //  Assumes the last name is at least five characters long
  public static void main (String[] args)
    String first, last, username, email;
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    Random rand = new Random();
    System.out.print ("Enter your first name: ");
    first = scan.nextLine();
    System.out.print ("Enter your last name: ");
    last = scan.nextLine();
    //username = first.charAt(0) + last.substring(0, 5) +
   //  (rand.nextInt(900) + 100);  
    //   OR
    DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("000");
    username = first.charAt(0) + last.substring(0, 5) + fmt.format( (rand.nextInt(1000) ));
    username = username.toLowerCase();
    email = username + "";
    System.out.println("Dear " + first + " " + last + "\nyour Username is: " +
                         username + "\nyour email address is: " + email);


In this assignment you will write an application that converts a monetary amount to a bills and cash representation.

Assignment #2


In this assignment you will write an application that converts a monetary amount to a bills and cash representation. 

Project Specifications

1.      Provide a test program called Assignment2.
2.      Use comments to show your name, the date and the assignment number.
3.      Use the Scanner class to read a value representing a monetary amount.
4.      Determine the fewest number of each bill and coins needed to represent the amount. 
5.      Start with the biggest bill.  For this assignment use bills of $10, $5 and $1, and all coins.
6.      For example, if the user enters 47.63 dollars, your program will display the following:

Due Date: 

Submit your *.java file through Blackboard no later than Sep 28 by 11:59 pm.


1.      In blackboard click on AssignmentsAssignment2 – at the bottom of the document click on View/Complete Assignment: A2 to upload your file.
2.      Use the BROWSE button to find the file.   Select it and click on the Submit button.
If you have trouble with this assignment PLEASE come to see me!
Item A2

>> View/Complete Assignment: A2
Item Solution
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Assignment2
   //  Reads a monetary amount and computes the equivalent in bills
   //  and coins.
   public static void main (String[] args)
      final int CENTS_IN_TEN_DOLLARS = 1000;
      final int CENTS_IN_FIVE_DOLLARS = 500;
      final int CENTS_IN_ONE_DOLLAR = 100;
      final int CENTS_IN_QUARTER = 25;
      final int CENTS_IN_DIME = 10;
      final int CENTS_IN_NICKEL = 5;
      double total;
      int tens, fives, ones, quarters, dimes, nickels;
      Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
      System.out.print ("Enter monetary amount: ");
      total = scan.nextDouble();
      int remainingCents = (int) (total * 100);
      tens = remainingCents / CENTS_IN_TEN_DOLLARS;
      remainingCents %= CENTS_IN_TEN_DOLLARS;
      fives = remainingCents / CENTS_IN_FIVE_DOLLARS;
      remainingCents %= CENTS_IN_FIVE_DOLLARS;
      ones = remainingCents / CENTS_IN_ONE_DOLLAR;
      remainingCents %= CENTS_IN_ONE_DOLLAR;
      quarters = remainingCents / CENTS_IN_QUARTER;
      remainingCents %= CENTS_IN_QUARTER;
      dimes = remainingCents / CENTS_IN_DIME;
      remainingCents %= CENTS_IN_DIME;
      nickels = remainingCents / CENTS_IN_NICKEL;
      remainingCents %= CENTS_IN_NICKEL;
      System.out.println ("That's equivalent to:");
      System.out.println (tens + " ten dollar bills");
      System.out.println (fives + " five dollar bills");
      System.out.println (ones + " one dollar bills");
      System.out.println (quarters + " quarters");
      System.out.println (dimes + " dimes");
      System.out.println (nickels + " nickels");
      System.out.println (remainingCents + " pennies");


Display 2 triangles, up side down

End navigation links
Item Assignment1

CS 120 Assignment # 1


Write, debug and run a Java program using DrJava.

Project Specifications

1.      Your program must be of the form used in lab 2.  Call your program
2.      At the top of the program use comments to describe it and the authors name (you!).
3.      Write a program that will provide an output as shown below.  DO NOT use spaces to position the stars!
4.      After the triangles, provide a message that displays the product of the first 10 digits.
5.      Display your name as part of the output.
6.   Display the product of the first 10 digits excluding 0.

Final Touches

Make sure your program works correctly and that you have implemented all the required specifications.

Due Date

Upload the source code through Blackboard Sep 21 by 11:59 pm. 


1.      In blackboard click on AssignmentsAssignment1 – at the bottom of the document click on View/Complete Assignment: A1 to upload your file.
2.      Use the BROWSE button to find the file.   Select it and click on the Submit button.
If you have trouble with this assignment PLEASE come to see me!
Item A1

>> View/Complete Assignment: A1
Item Solution
* This program draws triangles and provides the answer to a problem.
* Author: Prof. Steiger-Escobar

public class Assignment1
{    public static void main(String[] args)
     System.out.println("\t********\t*"); ////calculate the product of the first 10 digits//     System.out.println("\n\nThe product of 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10 = " + ( 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10) );